Rodents are one of the fasted growing animals on earth. While they can’t rival many insect populations, billions of mice and rats exist worldwide at any given time!
Mice are significant issues in many North Carolina areas, causing home damage and contaminating food. But how many babies can a mouse have when they infest your home?
Check out our blog, and we’ll give you an overview of how quickly mice can populate your Raleigh home. Don’t worry, though! We have you covered whenever these pesky critters invade!
How Often Do Mice Have Babies?
Animals often have different reproductive rates. Many household pets like hamsters or rats can quickly breed and give birth to multiple litters of young throughout the year.
Mice can similarly give birth frequently. These pests only remain pregnant for around twenty days and don’t have to wait long to have more offspring. After having children, a female mouse can get pregnant soon after.
While the number of times a mouse has children differs depending on environmental factors, a mouse could theoretically be pregnant each month of the year, having children every twenty days.
Mice have no set mating period; While they have a set gestation period, they can get pregnant and have children no matter the time of year. Usually, mice give birth around five to eight times a year. However, rodent populations usually decline during cold winter months.
Mice and rats avoid mating outdoors if the temperature is too frosty, but if your home is warm enough, they may consider having their children indoors. Our temperature-controlled homes often attract rodents and may entice them to build a nest.
How Many Babies Can a Mouse Have?
There are countless numbers of mice in each country around the world. While no one can pinpoint the exact number, it’s safe to assume their populations may spread into the billions!
Because of their swift breeding cycle and relatively short gestation period, female mice can spend most of their lives having children each month. As mice reach the end of their lives, they will slowly decrease the number per litter and eventually stop reproducing.
Most mice only live around a year but can survive longer under the right conditions. If they live in a warm, safe area with plenty of food, some mice can live longer than a year and a half. Some can even survive up to two years.
Mice breeds that people commonly keep as pets usually live longer in captivity because of the level of care they receive. Regular access to food, water, and shelter helps keep them alive.
But the big question is: How many babies can a mouse have?
Mice can give birth to up to five babies at a time. If a female mouse gives birth each month to new young, she could potentially have around sixty babies each year. That’s a lot of mice that may infest your home!

It’s not generally common for mice to give birth to the same amount of young each time they’re pregnant or even remain pregnant consistently throughout their lives. However, some mice can have around twelve little ones in a litter and still go on to give birth often.
If you have a year-round mouse infestation, the female mice in your home may produce up to thirty to forty babies. In extreme cases, they may even have around fifty to seventy mice a year!
Don’t forget about the offspring, either. Curious about how many babies can a mouse have once they’re grown? Mice mature around six months after birth, meaning they may begin breeding with other mice in your home. While their mother is still birthing more siblings, the babies could similarly start their own family!
Thankfully, most mice infestations don’t grow out of hand. Mice aren’t subtle creatures and quickly make their presence known around your house by eating your food, causing damage, leaving behind droppings, or making noise.
Once you notice mice indoors, you can quickly contact a reputable pest control company like Innovative Pest Solutions to address the problem in your home.
Removing Mice Infestations
Many homeowners turn to DIY pest control methods to counter the invasive pests in their homes. While these options may seem cost-effective and fast-acting, they don’t always do the trick.
We suggest contacting a pest control professional to get the job done right. These pests spread harmful bacteria throughout your home, so you’ll want to rely on trusted methods to get them gone for good.
Before your pest control treatment, you can try several methods to prevent future infestations. Check out the following tips that could send mice packing:
- Sweep your floors
- Repair exterior cracks
- Frequently remove garbage
- Clean stoves and counters after cooking
- Place all food items in rigid plastic containers
- Avoid leaving food out for extended periods of time
- Repel mice using smells they hate, like peppermint, citrus, or eucalyptus

While none of these solutions are guaranteed to eliminate mice in your home, they may significantly reduce the number of pests you see. These pests can only survive indoors with regular food and water access.
For quality pest protection, contact Innovative Pest Solutions! No more wondering, “How many babies can a mouse have?” with us by your side! We’ll stem an infestation before it starts and keep you safe and sound.