Have you ever heard of cause and effect? It is when one situation triggers another to occur, such as when a bug bite causes you to have to itch or an anchor stops a ship from moving. Today we will look at the cause-and-effect situations that lead to ant infestations. To do this, we will evaluate how ants get inside and what you should do to keep them out of your Raleigh home.

ants crawling on landscaping

Ants Common Around Raleigh

North Carolina is home to several species of ants. Some live primarily outdoors; others prefer to nest within the wall and ceiling voids of structures. Even one species will construct its nest right into the wood of a home. Here is a basic description of Raleigh’s most common ant pests and what you need to know about each.

What Draws Ants Inside

Ants need three things to survive, moisture, food, and shelter. If your home provides ants with these three basic necessities, they will likely invade. To reduce factors that attract ants around your home, use these simple prevention tips:

How To Ensure Ants Stay Out

Due to the small size of ants, there is no way to seal your home’s exterior fully, so they cannot get inside. The best thing you can do to keep ants out of your home is to hire a professional. At Innovative Pest Solutions, we offer detailed and effective treatments designed to eliminate and exclude ants. With our friendly team on your side, you won’t have to worry about annoying, destructive, and dangerous ants ever again.

Give us a call today to discuss our available pest control plans and to find one that best fits your individual needs and will protect your home. We promise you will not be disappointed.

A CTA for Ant control services