The threat of mosquito diseases is the same as any threat, you have to put it in proper perspective. It is easy to become alarmed. The diseases spread by mosquitoes can not only cause death, but they can also present other serious medical threats. In recent years, the Zika virus had many people on edge. We had an outbreak in Florida and Texas, but that outbreak could have easily happened in other states. What makes this virus so scary is that it can cause microcephaly, a birth defect that can lead to serious, life-long issues for a child and a family. But it is unnecessary to be in a state of alarm. Let’s discuss how dangerous mosquitoes are and what you can do to mitigate their threat.

What You Should Know About Mosquito Diseases
- Malaria is the worst of all mosquito diseases. It is linked to the deaths of more than 750,000 people worldwide each year. This disease is not endemic to the United States, and cases are rare.
- West Nile virus is the worst mosquito-borne disease in the United States. It claims lives every year. But the number of people who die from West Nile virus is below 150 each year. That’s not bad for a more than 320 million population, but it is tragic for the 150 families impacted by these deaths.
- West Nile virus is a disease that causes encephalitis, but it is far from the only one. We have Eastern and Western equine encephalitis, LaCrosse encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and more. Typically, these viruses just produce flu-like symptoms, fever, and a headache. They’re rarely life-threatening.
- There are many dangerous mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika, yellow fever, and more. None of them have a reservoir in the United States. They’re brought here by travelers.
- You can get sick with a mosquito-borne disease and have no symptoms. The CDC estimates that 80 percent of Zika cases are asymptomatic. On one hand, this shows that the majority of people who get it don’t have symptoms. But it also shows that people who don’t know they have it can be carriers, which allows the virus to spread during an outbreak.
Finding A Balance
Are mosquito diseases dangerous? Yes. But most of the worst diseases are not endemic to the United States. Travelers must bring them in. This reduces the direct risk to U.S. residents. But this can happen at any time without warning. While we don’t think you should be fearful, we believe it is prudent to reduce mosquito bites to mitigate the risk as much as possible. When you do this, you’ll have the added benefit of not having irritating and itchy mosquito wounds.
How To Mitigate The Threat
The best way to reduce mosquito bites is to invest in mosquito reduction services. When your yard has routine treatments, it breaks the cycle of reproduction. This may not seem like a big deal, especially if you think mosquitoes are coming into your yard to bite. But this isn’t the case. Mosquitoes don’t travel far. While they will come into your yard, it doesn’t happen as often as you might think. The mosquitoes that bite you in your yard are mostly mosquitoes that have hatched in your yard. You can address mosquito reproduction and address random mosquitoes that enter your yard from a neighboring property by having your landscaping and other key areas treated.
For assistance with mosquito control in Raleigh, North Carolina, connect with Innovative Pest Solutions. We offer mosquito reduction in our 1-2-3 Premium and Premium Plus pest control service plans. Get year-round protection from general pests and mosquitoes at the same time. While you don’t need to be fearful of mosquitoes, it is wise to take precautions.