Determining the Value of Pest Control services in the Raleigh/Durham Area


In our Triangle area, encompassing Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, homeowners often ponder the necessity and the worth of professional pest control services. At Innovative Pest Solutions, a locally owned and operated pest control company, we believe in the serious value these services offer. As a 5-star rated company on Google, our approach is deeply […]

What Do Rats Eat in the Wild?

rat in the wild on a tree limb

Ever wondered, “What do rats eat in the wild?” We know what brings them indoors, but what do these curious critters snack on when they’re not invading our homes?

3 Common Rodents in North Carolina

A brown house mouse, one of the rodents in North Carolina, on tile flooring.

Rats are nuisance rodents in many North Carolina homes, but the common house mouse is a notorious pest many in our service area struggle with.