Spiders in Your Spaces: What You Need to Know
Introduction When it comes to household pests, spiders are among the most common and feared. Whether you’re in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, or any of the surrounding towns, you’ve likely encountered one of these pests or two in your home. While most spiders are harmless and can even be beneficial by eating other pests, their […]
Determining the Value of Pest Control services in the Raleigh/Durham Area
In our Triangle area, encompassing Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, homeowners often ponder the necessity and the worth of professional pest control services. At Innovative Pest Solutions, a locally owned and operated pest control company, we believe in the serious value these services offer. As a 5-star rated company on Google, our approach is deeply […]
4 Common Spiders in North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina, often called the “City of Oaks,” is a vibrant and growing urban center in the heart of the state. Nestled among its thriving communities are spider species adapted to the local environment. Understanding these arachnids can be crucial for residents seeking effective pest control solutions. In this blog, we’ll explore some of […]
Difference Between a Mosquito Bite and a Spider Bite
Besides the physical difference between a mosquito bite and a spider bite, other treatments may also be needed, like cold packs, creams, and even antivenom.
3 Reasons You Should Use Glue Traps for Spiders
Glue traps for spiders can quickly immobilize these creepy pests, keeping your home safe from these eight-legged invaders.
2 Venomous Spiders in NC!
While North Carolina is home to many spider species, there are two venomous spiders in NC, the black widow and brown recluse, that you should stay clear of.
5 Signs of Spider Bites on Cats
Spider bites on cats may cause lethargy, fever, pain, visible bite marks, swelling, or redness. Watch for worsening symptoms, and contact your vet!
3 Homemade Spider Traps and Sprays!
Homemade spider traps, like sticky adhesives, essential oil sprays, or water traps, can quickly curtail a spider problem until a pest professional visits.
Do Spiders Eat Roaches? We Have Answers!
While we may not like roaches, spiders sure are! These arachnids are skilled predators and are more than capable of catching and devouring these pesky insects.
Spiders in Winter: Chilly Creepy Crawlers
Of all the seasons, most homeowners tend to notice more spiders in winter months, but do spiders really come inside when the weather outside is frightful?