Termite Damage in Your Home


Termites, often referred to as “silent destroyers,” pose a significant threat to homes across the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill areas. These tiny pests can cause extensive damage before homeowners are even aware of their presence. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the hidden dangers of termites in your home, how to recognize signs of an infestation, […]

March Is Termite Awareness Month: Protecting Your Property

march is termite awareness month- termite on rug

March heralds a significant time for homeowners, particularly in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill areas. It’s Termite Awareness Month, as designated by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). This period is crucial for raising awareness about the silent but potentially devastating impact termites can have on your property. At Innovative Pest Solutions, we are committed to safeguarding […]

Spring Swarming Termites in Raleigh

Termite infesting grey gravel

As the warmer weather of spring sets in around Raleigh, NC, and its surrounding cities, residents often enjoy the blooming landscapes and longer days. However, this season also marks a less welcome phenomenon: the emergence of termite swarmers. At Innovative Pest Solutions, a locally owned and operated company deeply rooted in the Triangle and its […]

Termite Bonds and Termite Contracts- What’s Better?

Eastern subterranean termites digging through the dirt, types of termites in

Termites – the mere mention of these tiny yet destructive pests can send shivers down any homeowner’s spine. And most people are not aware, homeowners insurance does not cover any termite damages that may occur to your home! In this article, we’ll dive deep into these concepts, helping you understand their importance and how they can […]

What Do Termites Look Like?


Raleigh, NC – The Hidden Threat of the Eastern Subterranean Termite In Raleigh, North Carolina, homeowners often face a silent adversary that can cause significant structural damage: the Eastern Subterranean Termite. At Innovative Pest Solutions, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge to effectively combat these pests. Let’s dive into understanding what termites look […]

Where Do Termites Come From?

Several carpenter subterranean termites on wood

Understanding where these pests come from can help effectively prevent and manage termites, especially in regions like North Carolina. So, where do termites come from?

3 Uses of Boric Acid for Termites

Boric acid for termites

Boric acid for termites is unsuitable for severe infestations. While it slowly disrupts the termite’s digestive system, visible results may take time. 

2 Types of Termites in North Carolina

Eastern subterranean termites digging through the dirt, types of termites in

From the Eastern subterranean termite’s subversive tunneling tactics to the Formosan termite’s voracious appetite, termites in North Carolina can pack a punch!